Friday 25 February 2011

The day u'll overcome fear of falling is the day, u'll learn to fly

"The day you will overcome the fear of falling is the day when you will learn to fly". I suppose similar words hen-eagle would tell her fledgling when she asks them to try flying. She knows that when they will jump out of their nest, after short free fall they will open up their wings and start flying.
But that's the case with birds because they have wings ... If we human being will ever be motivated to jump like that from a high rise building and try to fly (ofcourse without parachute), we would most certainly land up in a hospital bed or fly too high that we would never return from our flight ..!
We have heard similar statements numerous from great leaders, elders and may have read it somewhere. These sounds too inspirational but we usually don't understand their true nature until we experience it by ourselves.

My Experience of Falling and falling too hard.
Recently I experienced the full nature of this statement , when I came to know that how painful and embarrassing a fall can be at times. It was in Jan 2011 when i joined ice skating lessons in my town. I always have an urge to learn and do different things. I feel the more i experience different things more I will learn about myself and the life too. Few weeks ago when I did skiing for the first time , I was pretty happy with my performance as I completed 40 rounds on the beginner hill with 2-3 falls. Having enjoyed my time on the snow doing skiing, I was expecting the similar fun and easiness in learning ice skating.
Even before I walked few steps on ice , 1st thing that was taught to me was "how to fall". At that very moment I understood that learning ice skating is going to be a very painful . I just wished that I shouldn't fall and get hurt in my training program. But it doesn't happen the way you want it to happen. Even walking on ice was real tough challenge for me with fear of falling in my head everytime. My Coach Jenny taught me some exercises and asked me to practice those. I fell many times during my first class and among the whole class I was the only student who was falling now and then. Everytime I fall, my classmates used to come to me ask if I am ok and didn't get hurt myself. In their mind , they might be thinking that this poor fellow is not even able to balance his body weight on skating shoes. The fact is that I really wasn't. It was only because of my fear of falling that I used to bend forward to avoid falling backwards and vice versa. Bending didn't worked me because when upper body bent , my legs went in opposite direction resulting in a fall.
During my sessions, one time I was so afraid of falling that I thought of quitting the skating course. Somehow, I overcame that fear and managed to attend my classes.
I practiced walking, doing skating exercises including a little bit of gliding. Although my falling rate reduced from multiple falls in a class to 1 time every session, but I was still afraid of falling.
My training course was about to get finished and I was not able to skate on ice. Then I thought that there won't be any use if after attending a full beginner training course , I am unable to skate. I thought that I will try harder and prepared my mind to be ready to fall. I focused practicing which I improvised with Jenny's perfect guidance and help. I remember once I learnt the correct technique of gliding and overcame the fear of falling, I skated like never before. I was also able to do speed skating very confidently.
On that day, I learnt one more lesson from life via ice skating....!