Friday 24 October 2008

Chandrayan 1

Queued processes in Process Scheduler in Peoplesoft

In Peoplesoft, many times we face the error like the reports are in queued staus for a long time & even if we run more reports, they also go in the same status.
There could be number of reasons for it.
1. Process Scheduler could be down. Check the status in Process Monitor> Server List
2. If it is a report, check whether the report is present on the process scheduler file server.
3. Check if there is no memory to be allocated. Check virtual memory.
4. Tablespace could be filled. Check the same & if need be increase the size of the respective tablespace.
5. Possibility could be that database Server might not be having enough space on the disk.
6. In most of the cases if one process is in queued status, it will make all the new process to remain in queued status. This happens mostly in the case of Application Engine Programs.
In that we can go ahead and clear all the Process instances other than Success/ Posted. This can be done from the Process Monitor page itself. But in case, you don't have enough rights to delete the same from PIA. I am also attaching the Run status of Process Instances in Process Scheduler table i.e PSPRCSRQST.

Process Scheduler Run Status
1- Cancel 2- Delete 3- Error 4- Hold 5- Queued 6- Initiated 7- Processing 8- Cancelled
9- Success 10- No Success 11- Posted 12- Not Posted 13- Resend 14- Posting 15- Generated

To resolve this , shut down the process scheduler and clear the cache. After this, run the below SQL in the respective database using Access ID (usually 'sysadm' in oracle & 'sa' in MS SQL Server).

select count(*) from psprcsrqst where runstatus<>'9';
delete from psprcsrqst where runstatus<>'9';

Thursday 23 October 2008

Indian B Schools Accepting GMAT Score

This is the accurate list of colleges accepting GMAT scores in India with the excepted cutoffs
IIM A & IIM C accept GMAT scores only for students with International exposure or for executive program (min 27yrs age)
Prashant Tyagi

First Post with a Party

Today this is my first post and co incidentally we (Me, Ashutosh & Anuj) are planning to have a party. Today Ashu will be staying at my place and we all will go out for a dinner. We may either go to a movie or play pool. It would also be gr8 to watch a movie at home and then dance whole night on the latest music tracks.

From now onwards , people will get latest posts on a variety of materials ranging to business, technology, gadgets, education & international news.

Prashant Tyagi