Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Brahma - The Creator of Universe

As per Hindu Vedas, Brahma is considered to be the creator of our universe.
Saptarishi - 7 great sages who helped brahma to create the universe. They are also called manas putra or mind sons or spirits as all these sons were born out of Brahma's mind rather than body. Brahma created 11 prajapatis who are considered to be the father of human race.

Creation of Brahma and Universe(Brahm- anda)

One Theory
As per Puranas, Brahma is self born in the lotus that grew from vishnu's navel at the beginning of the universe. For this reason , Brahma is also know as nabhija.

Another Theory
Brahma was born in water. In this he deposited a seed that later became the golden egg. From this golden egg, Brahma the creator was born hiranyagarbha. The remaining materials of the golden egg expanded into the Brahm -anda or Universe.

Brahma is also considered to be the son of Brahman and the female energy known as Prakrti or Maya.

In Brahma Purana, Brahma is regarded as a creator and not necessarily as God. Rather, he is regarded as a creation of god. Life span of Brahma is 100 Brahma Years and after a gap of 100 Brahma years, another Brahma or creator will begin the process of creation. This cycle is thought to repeat without end.

Brahma is not much worshiped by Hindus and there are only few temples dedicated to him.
Stories related to less worshiping of Brahma:
When Vishnu and Brahma decided to find the end and beginning of a huge shiva linga , vishnu(in form of boar) who started digging the earth gave up and bowed to shiva but brahma(in form of swan) asked ketaki flower to bear false witness about brahma's discovery of Shiva's beginning. Shiva all knowing was angered by brahma's ego. As per shiva purana, shiva cursed him that no being in three worlds will worship him.

It is also considered that a great sage Brahmarishi Bhrigu went to invite Brahma for a great fire sacrifice i.e yajna. Brahma was so immersed in music played by Saraswati that he could hardly hear Bhrigu's call. Bhrigu then cursed Brahma that no person on Earth would ever worship him.

Brahma's powers
Brahma is also considered to possess the knowledge of all four vedas and each head represents a veda.
Brahma's swan is considered to have a virtue called Neera Ksheera Viveka or ability to separate milk and water from a mixture of two.

Satyalok is considered to be home of brahma and vishnulok is above it.

We are both spectators and actors in the great drama of existence..!!

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Dead Sea: How can a sea be dead.. !!!!

Dead Sea

Shore of dead sea is the lowest dry point on earth(1300 ft below sea level). Dead sea is called so because of high salt content in its water due to which no organism other than microbes can survive in it.
Salt content : 28 to 35 percent i.e 4-5 times as compared to other oceans which have 3 to 6 % salt.

Reason for high Salt content: Dead lies in a valley surrounded by West Bank , Jordan and Israel and water coming from Jordon river is trapped in this valley. Water evaporates and leaves behind salt in the water.

Dying Dead Sea: Due to increase in salt content and evaporation of water, it is expected that by 2050 dead sea will be really dead i.e no water content would be present and will be left only with hard salt formations.

Saving Dead Sea: Two seas canal (180km) is a part of plan to channel some water from Red sea to Dead Sea.
Dead Seas highly saline water has the capability to cure some diseases like asthama and other skin problems.

Due to high density of dead sea water, people are able to float without any effort and can even read books.